And This Was Our Friendsgiving

Hello, Friends!

I'll bet you're surprised I've written a new entry as at the rate I'm updating this blog I was on schedule to post Thanksgiving coverage in April.

Consider this as me getting my homework done early!

So, how was our Thanksgiving?

Flippin' SPLENDID, thank you!

Obviously Russians don't celebrate our American holiday and so we hosted our other Expat friends the Saturday after. Leading up to the day I was asked by several different people if one can find turkey in Russia.

Ian, help me out with this? Can you find Turkey in Russia?

"Meh... not since the 1700s. Also, it depends on what your definition of 'Russia' is."

Thank you, Ian. 

Anyway, the answer is yes, one can find a turkey, but good luck cooking anything larger than a chicken in our teeny tiny ovens, at which point one might as well just cook a chicken because it's cheaper and tastes better.

We did neither. As I say, our oven is a small and therefore valuable space. We opted to make a gigantic pot of carnitas on the stove top so we could get our roasted mushrooms, sweet potatoes and shallots, and pear and cranberry crumble on.

It was a really fun weekend.  We had our friend, Anna, over on Friday to hang out and cook with us, as she often does. Simon was very excited because we love her and he has been very adamant that she should stay with us to have a sleep over. A 24-hour cooking and feasting marathon seemed like the perfect time!

We all enjoyed a leisurely Saturday morning... and then the food prep began!...

...right after the mimosas were poured...
or maybe we poured them a little later...?
We definitely poured them during Simon's two hour nap...




We cooked a lot. Two bottles of champagne were mysteriously empty even before the rest of our friends arrived. Good thing we had a lot of tasty Russian beer on hand.

Yes, tasty Russian beer exists.

Don't ask me what any of it's called. Most of it was unlabeled.

Then our friends arrived! Joy brought a super yummy kale salad because most of us miss the hell out of the West Coast right about now. Hilary brought homemade maple syrup to serve with the bananas she fried for us and Laphroaig. Thom, a friend of Joy and Hilary's, brought a gorgeous cake and an excellent sense of humor as he took a tantrum from Simon in stride.

Simon was super excited for his friend, Zina, to arrive, but when we opened the door to reveal Thom, Hilary, and Joy, he ran away crying like someone had slapped him in the face. He was mad Thom wasn't Zina and wanted him to leave. Nervous chuckles all around. Once Simon calmed down he was all politeness, taking Thom's hand to show him all his Legos.

Zina and her mother, Jessica, arrived soon after and all was well. Simon had Zina, Jessica had wine. Everybody won.

Marysia, fresh off a plane from the U.S. brought a large quantity of Annie's Macaroni and Cheese Bunny Pasta for Simon and now she's entitled to any and all of our kidneys should she need them. Hell, even if she doesn't. They're all yours, lady.

Anna made her vegetarian plov. If you haven't had plov, vegetarian or otherwise, click that link this instant and make sure to use five whole heads of garlic more than the recipe calls for. Trust me.

With all this incredible food and drink, one might ask if Simon was tempted to try anything new? Don't be absurd. We had Dominoes deliver pizza for the kids because we know better.

Besides Simon screaming at an unfamiliar grown man because he was not a seven-year-old girl, the evening was quite lovely! The food was delicious and the company outstanding. Friendsgivings are the best and I highly recommend them.

And plov.
Get you some plov.
