Goldfish and Twister

We're in Athens! Greece! For realsies!

Our Russian visas require us to leave the country every 90 days, and so we decided to go somewhere awesome and warm for the New Year!

Our flights were good, everything was on time and went incredibly smoothly (Simon even ate half a roll from the dinner service on the plane!). The driver who picked us up in Athens spoke perfect English and we all had a lovely chat on the ride to our hotel. He was incredibly nice and even offered us a quick tour around the city center so we could get our bearings as to where everything is and see the city all lit up. We're already very impressed. Simon might have been more impressed if he hadn't been half asleep.

The only moment of panic was when we arrived at our hotel and the front door was locked! But it wasn't, actually. It's just a very heavy iron door on an old building. Our room is lovely and I'll post pictures later.

We got in last night and Simon was so tired I thought going right to bed wouldn't be a problem, but I'm a stupid lady who hadn't counted on Simon's big plans for our arrival to our room: Snacks and Games.

He wanted to have some Goldfish crackers and play Twister (both of these sent to us in a Christmas care package from Ian's family and packed for this trip). We explained that it was late and we should just go to sleep, and that's when our angelic little traveler lost his cool and screamed at the top of his lungs, "I JUST WANT GOLDFISH CRACKERS AND TWISTER!!"

We're a mile away from the Temple of Zeus and the Acropolis and this kid just wants us to all to put our left hands on blue. Bless him.

We did not play twister, but fistfuls of Goldfish were had.

We had a nice sleep and now we're headed down to breakfast. I hope there's cheese. 

UPDATE: There WAS cheese!
